Thursday 4 November 2010

Plasma TVs more apt for 3D

Original Source:,8896822224,2010-11-04,EEIOL,ARTICLE_ALERT

Plasma TVs are a better fit for 3D images display vis-à-vis LCD sets, according to Consumer Reports study of 14 3D TV models. They found that the plasma TVs cause less ghosting, or double images that appear even when wearing 3D glasses.

Overall quality of 3D varied quite a bit among the 14 models, according to test engineers. They used 3D test patterns developed in-house, as well as 3D Blu-ray movies and recorded 3D sports broadcasts. All the 3D TVs were capable of creating impressive three-dimensional depth.

Panasonic plasma sets exhibited the least ghosting of any of the 3D TVs followed by plasma TVs from LG and Samsung.

By contrast, Sony's LCD TVs ghosting was minimal, but only when the viewer's head was kept level; ghosting became severe when the viewer's head was tilted even slightly. On the LG and Samsung LCD TVs, images had satisfying three-dimensional depth, but ghosting, which was significant in a wide variety of content, was distracting when apparent. All the tested 3D TVs, with one exception, performed very well with regular 2D programmes.

Consumer Reports found varying levels of comfort among different 3D glasses and warns users that some people might have trouble seeing 3D images or find that they develop headaches or eyestrain from watching 3D.

- Nicolas Mokhoff
EE Times