Wednesday 15 December 2010

Dear Somali People Around the World,

Please, don’t be mislead by the information posted by from this link:

The information that contains e-mail communication between Thaicom and SOMGLOBAL TV posted without permission is modified somewhere. Despite repeated requests to remove it for the main reason that the information is no longer valid, the management neither take action to it nor make any response to several e-mails sent.

So, in this regard, please beware when referring to the information found in the message. I repeat, it’s not correct and it’s no longer valid.

Beware also when communicating with this company (SOMGLOBAL TV)
for without hesitation, it will post your confidential information into its website. I am not so sure whether it has removed already or not from its website after several requests.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,