Monday 2 August 2010

VITAL C: Non-Acidic Vitamin C

For more than 10 months already, with God’s blessings and protection, none of our children was hospitalized because of the common children sicknesses (colds, coughs, allergies, etc.) which are normally part of children’s life as they’re growing up.

Unlike before, since the beginning of their lives, until the middle parts of last year, it’s normal for us to bring anyone of them or sometimes all of them to the hospital because of any of those common children’s sicknesses.

This very good development of their health was helped mainly by God’s blessings and protections. We are also taking a new kind of Vitamin C (non-acidic) – an alkaline Vitamin C, called Vital C.

In our closed observation, this Vital C really helped us a lot. When anyone of us already felt something which we knew that cough or cold is coming, we just double or even triple the dosage and then in the next day, everything is okay.

My own experience was when we were in the middle of our 3 days and four night holiday in Rayong, Thailand, I was already sneezing and coughing. I was so worried because it’s normal for us that if one is sick, then everybody will then be sickened few days later. Luckily that time, in the following day, I was very healthy again. What I did was just take one capsule every two hours. So, within 24 hours, I had consumed 12 capsules at 500 mg each capsule.

I am sharing this experience hoping that it would also help your family.

If you have any questions regarding this Vital C, then just leave your comment below. I will answer you within 24 hours.

Please, see the short video here:

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