Saturday 31 July 2010

Somaliland (Somalia) Business Trip

This was my first trip in the African continent in 2008. This is in the Hargiesa, Somaliland - the breakaway region of Somalia.

I went there, together with our two engineers who installed the broadcast equipments, to meet our first African broadcast client in the country.

My other purpose was to close another deal for another broadcast client I had communicated with about two months before the trip.

Seeing the lack of manpower we had, I helped out our engineers in the installation as you can see in the second picture.

It was my first real experience in the technical things about the actual installation of broadcast parabolic antenna. Though I had lectured it many times during my more than 12 years in the academe, the excitement about this was still there.

I was supposed to comeback there in 2009 for our government broadcast client, but because of some urgent matters, I cancelled my scheduled trip.

The last picture shows my team and the staffs of our client. It was after 10 days when the installation was done and the trainings for the staffs were completed.

We then had our very big lunch with all the staffs of our client at the hotel where we stayed before going back to Bangkok, Thailand. It was our way of saying thank you to all of them for receiving us warmly, and for becoming our first customer in that region.

With God's blessings and protections, we're able to come back safe and sound.

Thursday 29 July 2010

The BlackBerry Bold 9700

Whether you are looking for the latest touch phones, or the new testing phones, or the latest flip phones, or the most popular BlackBerry phones, there is only one best place you can explore.

Regarding BlackBerry phones, the most popular so far is the BlackBerry Bold 9700. It’s Bluetooth-equipped, which will let you use it with a Bluetooth hands-free kit. The BlackBerry Bold 9700 also fits these categories: GPS phones (Photo gallery), Smartphones (Photo gallery).

Basically, these are the things that you can do with the BlackBerry Bold 9700:

- Send text messages easily with the full keyboard.
- Use a stereo wireless headset (or your car's hands-free system)
- Take pictures with the built-in (3.2 MP) camera
- Record voice notes

For more details, please explore this link:

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Danger of Standalone ATM Machines

Today, the bad guys have used so many types of attacks on ATM machines, especially those that are standalone ATM machines, ranging from sophisticated to foolhardy: installing fake card readers to steal card numbers, hiding tiny surveillance cameras to capture PIN codes, covering the dispensing slot to intercept money and even hauling the ATMs away with trucks in hopes of cracking them open later.

The attacks were demonstrated Wednesday by a computer hacker, Barnaby Jack who spent two years tinkering in his Silicon Valley apartment with ATMs he bought online.

Though the demonstrations were targeting standalone ATMs, but according to him, the methods could potentially be used against the ATMs operated by mainstream banks.

Jack said the problem is that outsiders are permitted to bypass the need for a password.

To find out the details of this news, just go directly to this link:

Elevator Punges at Pattaya Hotel

Another tragedy had occurred in one of the crowded tourist areas in the kingdom of Thaialnd, in Pattaya at the Welcome Jomtien Hotel on Saturday when an elevator plunges 10 floors injuring 16 people.

According to the news, the group had entered the lift at the 18th floor before an unknown power failure resulted in the lift freefalling 10 floors before hitting the ground level.

For details of the news, just visit this link:

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Charice Botox Consultation

The revelation that Charice Penpengco had undergone a few cosmetic procedures (Botox injections and a Thermage - skin tightening procedure) in preparation for her role on Glee had generated critism not only in the Philippines, but all around the world.

Whatever her real motives are for doing all this, for me, it doesn't matter. My only concern is she might no longer be able to reach her greatest potential due to this unnecessary thing. She is unique - everything in her is unique: her voice, her aura, her face, etc. Modifying any of these God's given gifts, might affect her singing abilities. That's the thing I am worrying more about for her.

Sunday 25 July 2010

The Macau of the Philippines

Many tourists came to the Philippines looking for the Macau-like experience located somewhere in the heart of the city of Cebu, similar to the ones illustrated in the pictures.

Some of these tourists thought that Cebu is another country. Anyway, these pictures were taken at the rooftop of the Cebu city's Crown Regency Hotel. This edge coaster could be tilted at any angle you want at your finger tips. It's one way of testing your fear. If it's your inclination to have this kind of experience, then it's worth trying. You have to sign a weaver before allowing you to set in on one of these edge coasters.

A tourist guide will take your photos all the way from the starting point till the end. You are not allowed to take some by yourself, and I had agreed with this, for the one in-charged is very well aware of the best background sceneries.

There are beautiful sceneries in the ocean views of the city and there are also lots at the mountain views. However, I just selected one of the mountain views for this posts. According to my setmate,
there's another unique beauty all around the city during the night. But I missed this opportunity because of the time constraint. I was just three hours away of my scheduled flight back to Thailand.

The best thing about the building where this edge coaster is in placed is it's strategic location. It's 45 minutes to 1 hour drive from
the airport. It's another excellent business of the owner of the Vital C business that I had joined in late last year.

The set up is similar to Bayoke tower here in Thailand. People has to pay a reasonable amount of money in order to be allowed to go up to the top to enjoy the ride. You will get one glass of juice for a drink after the ride.
This last picture shows the mountain where the van will be passing through everythime I went to my home town in Asturias.

It would take only 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the weather condition, to reach my place. About 12 years ago, I used to travel this far for about three hours, or more depending not only on the distance, but also on the traffic when already closed to the city.

Selling Structured Settlements

There lots of good reasons why some people need a large amount of money immediately, instead of the smaller amounts at a certain period of time in their lives. Some of them want to go to college, or buy a house, or buy a new car, or putting some kind of business that needs a very huge capital, or have another good reason for needing some, or all, of their settlement money up front.

If you are one of them, or know somebody who has this kind of needs, then this is a good time for you to consult the companies who purchase structured settlements.

How does it work?

Companies that purchase structured settlements will buy structured settlements out of your future payments in exchange for advancing you money at any time now, minus their fee. These companies can provide the needed amount in a lump sum, far more than your monthly allotment, if that is what you need to do, instead of staying on the monthly or yearly plan that your structured settlement sets forth.

If you need some more details about this subject, then please, explore this very good article from this link:

Thank you very much.

Good luck!

Friday 23 July 2010

Charice Dream Come True Concert - Siam Discovery, Bangkok, Thailand

Charice Pempengco's Dream Come True Concert today, July 23, 2010 at Siam Discovery, Bangkok, Thailand had drawn a very huge and spectacular crowds.

I really appreciate how Charice marketing team's effort to promote the concert. I couldn't believe how they were able to gather such a very huge crowd in this non-English speaking country.

However, it could not be denied that Charice really has something people would like to witness face-to-face. I was very surprised how Thais reacted to her amazing singing performances. Seeing it from any Filipino reactions is just natural for one thing, we already knew her very well because of her background and how she was discovered.

However, seeing Thais crying while she was performing was really very touching . It's unbelievable in this Buddhist country. I couldn't read their minds and answer the question why? In my opinion, it's no longer something physical, but it's rather something inside which doesn't separate anyone from anybody else wherever she is or he is from. It's definitely something spiritual.

Surely, this concert will have a very huge and positive impact not only to the Filipinos here in Thailand but also to the Thais and all the young people around the world, especially to those who are aspiring to excel into this kind of talent.

After performing few songs, I could see how happy and joyful the crowds were. When I asked one guy in my front how popular Charice is in Thailand, he answered " Very... very... very... popular!" Hearing this, once again, I became so proud being a Filipino.

With this initial response of the Thais for Charice, I am very sure that her coming concert here in Bangkok, Thailand this October, 2010 would really draws much bigger crowds than this. Hopefully, by that time, there would be no other big events like what happened just few months back.
My whole family here in Thailand is a loyal fans of Charice. We always watched her performances in other countries, like in the USA via Youtube videos.

I am not familiar with one of the songs she had sang today, but amazing, Thais were so familiar with it. It just proved what the other guy had just told me how popular Charice is in this country.

One song I have noticed that Thais like very much is the one called "Pyramid." They joined Charice in singing the song and they even enjoyed waving there hands while doing it. Though I could not get all the lyrics, I liked the song, too.
It reminds me of my trip to Egypt last year. In honor to that song, I have included two of my many photos below showing how beautiful the pyramids really are.

It's the second Wonders of the World I had visited so far.

If it's one of Charice's composition, then I would assume that she had visited Egypt as well.

It's really very inspiring, especially if you had a good background about the World History, telling us about the pyramid. Anyway, no matter what, whatever inspired the composer about the Pyramid song, it's really great and inspiring.
Surely, it tells us something, encouraging and inspiring. I have to find myself the lyrics and see what's in it. I am just curious of how the Thais and Filipinos are responding to it naturally.

I said naturally, because even myself who hadn't heard it yet, I have a natural response to it and had good feeling with it. It makes everyone dance or more their bodies as Charice sang it beautifully. The sad thing is, people found the concert very short. Hope next time, during her next concert here in Bangkok, Thailand about two months from now, would be at least a little longer.
We are looking forward to it, and we'll pray that Charice would be healthy that time, and Thailand would be peaceful.

Let's pray to God for her, her family, her team and all the organizers to realize this event once again in this amazingly beautiful Kingdom of Thailand.

Thursday 22 July 2010

Koh Pangan Resorts

At Koh Pangan in Thailand there are lots of beautiful and luxurious accommodations where you and your love ones can stay at any time, especially during your holiday seasons.

The first picture illustrated above is one of the good example that you can see at the Blue Marine Resort -a very nice place for relaxation. The room depicted in the next picture is just one of the Blue Marine Resort's Romantic and nice place to spend your good night sleep, or enjoy your bedtime relaxations.
The third picture is an illustration of a Sea Breeze Resort where you can feel and taste the luxury of living in the accommodation very closed to the beach.

The last picture is what they call Central Cottage Resort where the real thing at home could also be seen in it in a very special way.

So, when you are in Thailand Koh Pangan is one of the best destinations that you should not miss for your holiday vacations. There's no problem in going to this place, for there's so many convenient ways to reach there.
If you need some more information related to this post, then please don't hesitate to leave your message below and just get back here again within 24 hours and it will be provide to you in a very special way.

Don't worry, it's free, nothing is expected in return. Just treat this site as your source of useful information for anything for your convenience.

You may also leave your comments and suggestions on how I can improve my site to attract more visitors.
I have no problem with either positive or negative comments. All comments will be accepted as long as it won't compromise any rule and regulation of this blogsite and the Law in Thailand.

Thanks a lot for your visit. Hope to see you here again anytime. Enjoy your stay in this beautiful Kingdom of Thailand.


Wednesday 21 July 2010


There’s a great article written by Donna Rosato last Monday, July 19, 2010 which I had just read today at the Yahoo News giving us excellent ideas why some families have saved money earlier, how they did it and what are the outcomes.

For some, the main motivation for saving earlier is to retire early at the age of 50, 55 or 60 and do whatever they want without any problem about money.

Considered super-saver family is saving 50% of after-tax income from their combined yearly earnings. The husband who is now 50 years old who had retired 10 years ago and his wife, now 52 years old and will retire in six years had projected to have $2.5 million retirement nest egg by that time.

The key to their success is avoidance of debts. Their aggressive savings had started when they were still dating and now the couple has one 15-year old daughter.

Next in rank super-savers couple, also have only one 11-year old child saving 35% of their yearly net income.

They trimmed the grocery budget for five months to find the cash they need to buy something. It’s surely involves a lot of sacrifices.

Though both are good in waiting, the key is the wife is known as the master of the long wait. According to the author, it's the couples’ ability to curb impulse buys that has fueled the family's savings.

The third super saver who prefers to be called smart saver is earning an extra $25,000 a year income apart from her regular six-figure income. She is saving 20% to 25% each year. Her motivation is to retire at the age of 55.

Another inspiring family who has two children with more than $250,000 combined income a year is saving 60%. Their motto is to “leave below your means.”

Finally, the last inspiring super-saver couple has three children, with the wife just stays home to take care of the kids and yet, the family is saving 40% of the family’s income.

Their advice is “Cut down everyday expenses.”

To see the details, please go to this link:

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Egyptian Sphinx

These are just some of the many pictures I had taken during my trip to one of the Wonders of the World located in one of the Biblical and historical parts of the world called Egypt.

It's so amazing seeing and walking on the land which before was just on the deepest parts of my imaginations while listening attentively to our World History teacher telling us the role of Egypt during the ancient times.
When I had finally decided to read my Bible as an indication of my commitment to my covenant to God as witnessed by the Couples For Christ (CFC), God had blessed me by giving me an opportunity to walk on the land His chosen people had walked, during the time of Moses, especially during their exodus out of Egypt crossing safely on the dryland of the Red Sea when it was divided through God's intervention and destroying those huge number of Egyptians running after them to destroy them all.
Since God was so faithful to the covenant He had establisehd with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so He saved Israelites during this very difficult and dangerous moment of their lives.

In a similar way, on these third and fourth pictures, I was also in a great danger through the old guy who was at first, so kind to me and offering to take me some pictures while holding his camel. At first, I was hesitating, but later on, out of my pitty, I had agreed and then he asked me to set on his camel to have some picture with it. Again, initially I strongly said "no thanks" for I had sensed something, and he insisted and this time I was so scared so I had given up to his request.
When I got down from his camel he asked me for money. I had some Egyptian money on my pocket and I handed it to him and he declined it because he wanted an American money.

I became so angry and at the same time was so scared because many of his friends came forward and insisted that I should give his request, but I said again, "no I have only this. If you take it, it's fine, if not then it's up to you for I have to leave now." Finally, the old guy accepted it and was very frustrated.

In my mind while dealing with the situation, I was praying so hard that God would save me, and at last, thanks to my God, He really did.

I could imagine how Moses and the Israelites had felt during that time when the Egyptians were almost catching them. The same God Who saved them had saved me too.

I praise and thank you Lord, my God.

Monday 19 July 2010

Best Luxury Car

This first picture is the $197,850 Aston Martin Rapide which received the multiple nominations from the world’s best luxury-car experts that includes Manhattan Automobile Company's Gary Flom; Tamara Warren, a longtime automotive journalist and creator of the car and design blog Go Tryke; Mike Caudill, the automotive analyst for Driven Media; and Noah Lehmann-Haupt, CEO of Gotham Dream Cars.

Its "swan-wing" doors (they open up and out at a 12-degree angle, for ease of egress), low roofline and 20" rims expertly give a sporty edge to an otherwise elegant four-door sedan.

Another four-door winner (second picture), but with a more staid bearing, is Bentley's new flagship, the $285,000 Mulsanne, a model that was inspired by the company founder W.O. Bentley's "crowning achievement," according to Bentley: an 8-liter coach first shown at the 1930 London Motor Show.

The $113,000 XJL Supersport (third picture)is just one of 10 cars in list ( of this year's most beautiful cars.

Others, like the $240,000 Ferrari 458 Italia (fourth picture) and $183,000 Mercedes SLS AMG (fifth picture), are much more sporty than Jag's large sedan--but they all have its own unique appeal that's very tempting.

To see the rest of the pictures of the 10 most beautiful cars in 2010, just explore this link:

This is where I got all this information which I simply summarized here for a quick look of the the nominated 10 most beautiful cars in 2010.

Do you like these cars?

Please kindly check Yes or No:

Thank you very much.

Sunday 18 July 2010

Black Berry Phones

There's no stoping in the developments of a new mobile phones as you can see the trends today.

The blackberry phones alone, there's BlackBerry Bold 9000, BlackBerry Bold 9700, BlackBerry Curve 8300, BlackBerry Curve 8520, BlackBerry Curve 8900, BlackBerry Pearl, BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8200, BlackBerry Storm, etc.

I don't know which model is the best for I had not able to follow closely the trend for this moblie phone brand. So, I could not decide right now which model should I choose.

I am not so sure how the numbering works. Is it that the higher the number is, the better?

Would anybody willing to help me? Please, kindly give me some hints: its advantages and disadvantages over the other.

Just kindly leave your comments below.

Thank you very much.

Luxury Villa

This is one of the other beautiful luxury villas in Thailand I had seen through the Internet.

Our children loved this so much and wished to have this kind of luxury villa of their own someday when they have already grown ups.

I told them that nothing is impossible if you pray hard and work for it, and believe you can. I reminded them of the well-known saying "Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

Saturday 17 July 2010

Fulfilling Saturday

It was a very fulfilling Saturday with my two CFC brothers visiting us in our home to do or learn something about the Internet trends today.

With my simple knowhow about setting up a blog, were so happy exploring together a new things about blogging using a very user friendly

In just few hours, both of them were able to set up their own blog. We had just finished the basic things like setting up their individual gmail and adsense accounts.

Next session, we will be exploring another things like adding gadget that will show Fidjit and other useful things that will add beauty to their blogsites.

Friday 16 July 2010

UFO Sightings in China

CNS had reported that on July 7, 2010 the Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport located in the southeast province of Zhejiang had shot down its normal operations, grounding its scheduled flights at around 9:00 P.M. for one hour due to a UFO sighting.

A witness who was in the landing plane had said that “the object looked like a bright twinkling dot, coming and going in the blink of an eye.”

There were several reactions in the people of China in regards to this news about this said UFO sightings. Some said that it’s the intercontinental missile launched by the U.S. on June 30, but in July 9, 2010, it was immediately dismissed by Wang Sichao, an astronomy researcher from the Zijinshan Astronomical Observatory (also known as Purple Mountain Observatory, under the aegis of the Chinese academy of Sciences), saying that Xinjiang and California are more than 7000 km (3450 miles) apart.

However, independent UFO researchers known as ufologists, are quick to say that “Yes, UFOs do exist.”

But the China governments tend to be non committal about their existence, one possibility might be that they fear a mass hysteria if announced that they are real.

True or not, maybe others who had these experiences in the past might have something to say. I just hope that our world’s ufo defense system are well in placed to deal with whatever ufo aftermath when it intentionally attack us.

koh samui accommodation

If your holiday destination in Thailand is in Koh Samui, then you have two best luxury villa options: Baan Jasmine and Baan Mekkala.

Ban Mekkala is a luxury Beach front villa located in Laem Sor, Koh Samui, Thailand while Baan Jasmine is a beautiful villa for rent in Samui Beach Village, Koh Samui, Thailand.

Ban Mekkala is on the southern coast of Koh Samui some 35 minutes from the Airport and 15 minutes from the town of Lamai. In the Summer low tide season when the reef is dry for up to 100m, this opens the beach and reef up to all sorts of other activities such as beach volleyball, football or simply exploring the rock pools and collecting shellfish, a safe and ideal exciting activity for children.

Baan Jasmine is 40 minute drive from the Airport and 5 minute from the town of Lamai, 15 minutes drive to the Tennis court, 5 minutes drive to Golf course and 1 minute walk to the Beach.

In terms of rates, below are the comparisons:

Ban Mekkala:

Daily rates from US$ 1,550 to 2,500 for the entire house or US$ 1,200 to 1,380 for 4 bedrooms (in intermediate and high seasons only). For details, please visit:

Baan Jasmine:

3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms(3 Ensuite), Beachfront, Pool will only cost you from USD $553 - $1036 per night. Please, see details here:

Thursday 15 July 2010

Batman 3

The producer of Batman 3 is now doing a good job doing its early marketing strategy. While still doing its Batman 3 movie productions, dissemination of information about the movie has already started. It’s a brilliant idea!

This should be the way other business people think not only this field, but also in their respective areas of works to maximize its business potential profits. Doing things in parallel surely will give a lot of advantages than doing it one-by-one at a time.

Of course there are certain things that cannot be done in parallel, and that’s surely for an exceptional case. However, when it comes to selling thing, doing advanced dissemination information while production is still going, is considered a prudent idea.

Luxury Villas For Rent

In Thailand there lots of luxury villa for rental. They are as beautiful as the pictures that you are seeing here, or even more. It depends on where you want to go and what preference you have in your mind, and of course, price differs a lot in every location.

However, no matter where will you be in Thailand for your holidays, you are assured that your stay here in any of those luxury villas for rent, can be an extremely restful and rejuvenating experience.
In my next post or two, to be published soon, I will be guiding you more specifically which luxury villa for rent and where in Thailand it is located. Just come back here again within the next 24 hours and you will see all the information you need about renting luxury villa in Thailand.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Satellite Service

In the old days, there were only few methods to accessing useful information: via television, radio and through newspapers are the most common ones.

Today, there are so many ways to access any kind of information you needs and this is made possible due to the convergence of many different technologies and services which sometimes creates some kind of service redundancy.

Television information could now be accessed via satellite service, Internet service, and traditional method – terrestrial broadcast.

In the earlier stages of the development and applications of all these converging technologies and services, the cost of some particular services was so expensive. But now, because of the rampant competitions, service price drops significantly.

For the satellite service alone, now you can access to more than 150 channels for only $29.99/mo for 12 Months. It’s very convenient to obtain the service and you can buy it online today at

For some options, you may visit for the same satellite service at the same price, but with free 3 months showtime and a lot more.

If you want to get High Speed Internet and Phone for $59/mo for life and save up to $50, then that’s what would like to offer you.

So, enjoy the exciting and most convenient satellite service or Internet service around.

Solar Energy

For more than ten years of my stay here in Thailand, I had been paying for a very expensive electricity bill since the beginning till now. In average, I have been paying for 4,000.00 Baht per month. When I calculated everything, for just 11-year period, the total amount I had paid so far is already more than half million Baht.

There’s no wonder why Mr. Larry Hagman, who played Texas oil tycoon J.R. Ewing in the hit 1970s shows Dallas and also starred in I Dream of Jeannie, is calling for people to embrace solar energy technology as part of a new "Shine, Baby, Shine" ad campaign for solar panel manufacturer SolarWorld.

According to the, “Mr. Hagman is a longtime advocate of renewable energy and owns one of the largest U.S. residential solar panel systems, which cost him $750,000 when he bought it in 2003. He says they reduced his annual power bill from $37,000 to $13.”
How I wish Thailand will also embrace this solar technology and encourage its people to take advantage of all the benefits it brings. This is the only way I see to reduce my electricity bill each month.

U.S. Steel Plant Exploded

The same steel plant in the U.S. had exploded just before 10 a.m. Wednesday at the United States Steel Corporations Clairton Coke Works, near Pittsburgh - about 20 miles south.

According to the news, it's the same U.S. steel plant where a maintenance worker was killed in a blast in September 2009, last year.

The news report said that an official with the United Steelworkers says the union is looking into the report.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Design Defect of iPhone 4

According to, after testing the latest iphone product, iPhone 4, engineers had confirmed that it has signal reception problems. That's the main reason why Consumer Report couldn't recommend this iphone product, though its score in other tests placed it atop the latest Ratings of smart phones that were released today.

The source of this information has recommended the older model of the iphone, the 3G S.

To find out the details of the problem, please copy and paste the link below into into your computer Internet browser.

Monday 12 July 2010

From Krabi to Koh Lanta & Phi-Phi island

Krabi is the perfect getaway destination at the Andaman Sea with stunning limestone cliffs, beautiful beaches like Ao Nang and Railay and more than 130 islands including the most famous - Koh Phi Phi and Koh Lanta. Enjoy relaxing days at one of the tropical hotels and resorts available and visit the natural beauty of waterfalls and caves and other attractions. The more active ones can try some rock climbing, sailing, kayaking, diving and snorkeling or just spend a day or two for island hopping. Krabi has everything on offer for a fantastic and unforgettable holiday experience.

Ao Nang: Located 20 km from Krabi Town / Airport, it has emerged to become a very popular tourist destination with a wide range of accommodations ranging from simple rooms to 4 stars luxury hotels. Very popular for families due to both location, development and easy access to numerous water-based activities and land sightseeing, Ao Nang is as well home to numerous restaurants, dive shops, travel agencies, tailor shops, bars and shopping opportunities along the bay.

Canoes and kayaks can be rented here to explore the coastline. Ao Nang is also the starting point for the longtail-boats to Railay Bay and nearby islands.

Koh Lanta: Located 2 hours south of Krabi Town has developed into a major tourist destination, offering accommodations from simple bungalows to 5 star resorts. Restaurants, bars, shops and other facilities are readily available. Banks, travel agencies and tour companies can be found at Sala Dan, the major town, which is the drop-of point of the ferries from Lanta Noi and Krabi.

The main beaches are located on the West coast of the Island of Lanta Yai. Phra Ae beach and Long beach in the Northwest and Khlong Kong and Khlong Ning going South from there. It is worthwhile to explore the different areas of the island, even if the main attractions are its beaches and romantic sunsets.

Above all, the shallow sandy beaches extending into the sea make Koh Lanta very safe destination and perfect for family vacations.