Tuesday 20 July 2010

Egyptian Sphinx

These are just some of the many pictures I had taken during my trip to one of the Wonders of the World located in one of the Biblical and historical parts of the world called Egypt.

It's so amazing seeing and walking on the land which before was just on the deepest parts of my imaginations while listening attentively to our World History teacher telling us the role of Egypt during the ancient times.
When I had finally decided to read my Bible as an indication of my commitment to my covenant to God as witnessed by the Couples For Christ (CFC), God had blessed me by giving me an opportunity to walk on the land His chosen people had walked, during the time of Moses, especially during their exodus out of Egypt crossing safely on the dryland of the Red Sea when it was divided through God's intervention and destroying those huge number of Egyptians running after them to destroy them all.
Since God was so faithful to the covenant He had establisehd with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so He saved Israelites during this very difficult and dangerous moment of their lives.

In a similar way, on these third and fourth pictures, I was also in a great danger through the old guy who was at first, so kind to me and offering to take me some pictures while holding his camel. At first, I was hesitating, but later on, out of my pitty, I had agreed and then he asked me to set on his camel to have some picture with it. Again, initially I strongly said "no thanks" for I had sensed something, and he insisted and this time I was so scared so I had given up to his request.
When I got down from his camel he asked me for money. I had some Egyptian money on my pocket and I handed it to him and he declined it because he wanted an American money.

I became so angry and at the same time was so scared because many of his friends came forward and insisted that I should give his request, but I said again, "no I have only this. If you take it, it's fine, if not then it's up to you for I have to leave now." Finally, the old guy accepted it and was very frustrated.

In my mind while dealing with the situation, I was praying so hard that God would save me, and at last, thanks to my God, He really did.

I could imagine how Moses and the Israelites had felt during that time when the Egyptians were almost catching them. The same God Who saved them had saved me too.

I praise and thank you Lord, my God.

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