Wednesday 28 July 2010

Danger of Standalone ATM Machines

Today, the bad guys have used so many types of attacks on ATM machines, especially those that are standalone ATM machines, ranging from sophisticated to foolhardy: installing fake card readers to steal card numbers, hiding tiny surveillance cameras to capture PIN codes, covering the dispensing slot to intercept money and even hauling the ATMs away with trucks in hopes of cracking them open later.

The attacks were demonstrated Wednesday by a computer hacker, Barnaby Jack who spent two years tinkering in his Silicon Valley apartment with ATMs he bought online.

Though the demonstrations were targeting standalone ATMs, but according to him, the methods could potentially be used against the ATMs operated by mainstream banks.

Jack said the problem is that outsiders are permitted to bypass the need for a password.

To find out the details of this news, just go directly to this link:

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